Our Rates


Standard Price

(within 2 to 5 working days)

Urgent Turnaround Price

(within 24 hours)

Drawing Services

Landscape Drawings

Landscape Plan

We can turn your sketch plan or mark up plan into 2D AutoCAD plan.

Arboricultural Drawings

Tree Location Plan

All we need is your mark-up plan and we will do the rest. In the absence of an OS plan or TOPO, we can use the Bing Map as the base of your plan.

TCP showing shading arcs
TCP showing the first significant branch & direction
Tree Constraints Plan

 We can turn your mark-up plan into TCP, all we need are the following:

  • Tree Survey Schedule
  • Topographical (TOPO) survey or OS plan
  • Finally, your mark-up plan


Please note: Trees that were not picked up on the TOPO will be plotted in approximate locations using Bing Map.

In the absence of TOPO, an OS plan can be used. We will be able to plot trees in approximate locations using Bing Map. A Bing Map can also be used as a base plan together with the OS plan.

Tree Removal/Loss Plan

For an Outline Planning Application, we will need the indicative Masterplan. We will be able to produce a Preliminary Tree Removal Plan detailing the potential tree/hedge removals and potential impact on tree protection areas during construction phase. We will issue a draft version until you confirm you are happy with the plan before issuing it in pdf and dwg format.

For a Full Planning Application, we will need the fixed Proposed Plan. We will be able to produce a Tree Removal/Loss Plan detailing the proposed tree/hedgerow removal during the demolition or construction phases. We will issue a draft version until you confirm you are happy with the plan before issuing it in pdf and dwg format.

TPP showing hand-dig solution
Tree Protection Plan

For an Outline Planning Application, we will need the indicative Masterplan. We will be able to produce a Preliminary Tree Protection Plan detailing the potential impact on tree protection areas, canopy impacts, mitigation and protection during demolition or construction phase. We will issue a draft version until you confirm you are happy with the plan before issuing it in pdf and dwg format.

For a Full Planning Application, we will need the fixed Proposed Layout along with any Drainage Services, Engineering, Site Works/Compound and Storage Plans. We will be able to produce a Tree Protection Plan detailing the impact on tree protection areas, mitigation and protection during both the demolition and/or construction phases. We will issue a draft version until you confirm you are happy with the plan before issuing it in pdf and dwg format.

Plan-based AMS

For sites with very limited impact on arboricultural features, a plan-based might suffice either to accompany the Full Planning Application or to discharge the Planning Condition/s.

Ecological Drawings

Phase 1 Habitat Plan
Bat Static Detector Survey Plan
Ecological Plans

We can turn your sketch plan or mark up plan into 2D AutoCAD plan.

  • Phase 1 Habitat Plan 
  • Phase 1 Habitat Post-Development Plan
  • GCN Impacts Plan
  • GCN Mitigation Plan
  • Bat Static Detector Survey Plan
  • Bat Activity Survey Plan
  • Breeding Bird Territory Mapping Plan
  • Dormouse Survey Plan
  • Reptile Survey Plan
  • Tree Bat Roost Assessment Plan